Ta teden smo prejeli nekaj sporočil prijaviteljev strateških partnerstev, da določeni deli že izpolnjene prijavnice izginejo (npr. Project description ipd.). Evropska komisija nas je danes glede tega obvestila sledeče:
Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform how to solve the issue related to text losing in the section Project description for drafts of applications created until the beginning of March 2020.
The issue appears only for drafts, which have chosen twice the same priority by answering the following questions:
- Please select the most relevant horizontal or sectoral priority according to the objectives of your project.
- If relevant, please select up to two additional priorities according to the objectives of your project.
In order to save answers to questions in section Project description before starting filling answers to questions in this section applicants need to check if the above-chosen priorities are different.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Upamo, da bo informacija v pomoč.